Diminution in value is recoverable and causation is not a defence to a claim where there is a continuing nuisance. To view the full Judgement, please click here.
Together with Alistair McHenry of Tyr Law, Philip Turton is the author of Chapter 18, “Personal Injury”.
“Football and the Law”, by Nick de Marco KC of Blackstone Chambers is the leading textbook on the subject and the only comprehensive review of the law relating to all aspects of football in the world, including all the main regulatory and commercial aspects of the sport.
The 2nd edition contains 31 chapters written by 66 of the leading experts in the field and provides a valuable resource to lawyers and others active in the football industry, as well as a vital source of material to students, legal practitioners and others who wish to learn more about the area.
For more information on the book, please click here.
Diminution in value is recoverable and causation is not a defence to a claim where there is a continuing nuisance. To view the full Judgement, please click here.
Tom Carter appeared for the Defendant in a high profile unlawful eviction trial reported in the press. The Judgment has been reserved. To read more, please click here.
John Campbell represented the successful Rule 6 Party at a public inquiry where controversial proposals for one of the largest solar farm projects in the UK were dismissed and a costs order made against the developer for “unreasonable behaviour”. You can read more about the case here: BBC News Derby Telegraph