Diminution in value is recoverable and causation is not a defence to a claim where there is a continuing nuisance. To view the full Judgement, please click here.
Ed represents Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council in contempt of court proceedings in the High Court (Sheffield District Registry). The matter concerned a man who fraudulently claimed compensation alleging he had injured his knee in the street when in fact he had injured it playing football. The man had posted about the real cause of his injury on Facebook.’ For the full article in The Star Newspaper, please click here
Diminution in value is recoverable and causation is not a defence to a claim where there is a continuing nuisance. To view the full Judgement, please click here.
Tom Carter appeared for the Defendant in a high profile unlawful eviction trial reported in the press. The Judgment has been reserved. To read more, please click here.
John Campbell represented the successful Rule 6 Party at a public inquiry where controversial proposals for one of the largest solar farm projects in the UK were dismissed and a costs order made against the developer for “unreasonable behaviour”. You can read more about the case here: BBC News Derby Telegraph