The passing of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 (‘ERRA’) was anticipated to have a profound impact on the...
In complex clinical negligence cases involving substantial damages and an uncertain prognosis, there is often an urgency on the part...
A ‘public authority’ is generally an entity which possesses the power and ability to intervene in a variety of situations...
Andrew McNamara and Gareth McAloon consider the correct approach to section 33 of the Limitation Act 1980, three years on...
In the context of a potentially high value claim following a road traffic accident involving a young Claimant, HHJ Walden-Smith...
Claims by secondary victims arising from clinical negligence have for many years been a battleground between Claimants and the NHS,...
To view the recording of this webinar, please click here. A review of the duty of disclosure in personal injury and industrial...
Gareth McAloon has recently had a guest appearance on an episode of Shoosmith's Serious Injury Podcast titled Inquest Process and Care Home Claims....
Jason Cox and Gareth McAloon's latest article is an introduction to the use of latest Ogden Tables, explaining the effects and...
Patrick Limb QC & Gareth McAloon secure unanimous decision in the Court of Appeal for the Appellant in Mackenzie -v-...