On 10 November 2022, in the High Court, King’s Bench Division, Damian Powell, instructed by James Traynor of Plexus Law, appeared...
On Friday 22 July 2022, Johnson J handed down judgment in Power v Bernard Hastie & Company Ltd & others [2022] EWHC...
Disputing the Joint Engineering Evidence: The Latest ‘Round’ in the Battle Between Claimants and Defendants in Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Claims? Donald...
On 31 January 2022 the Department of Health and Social Care published a consultation document setting out its proposals to...
The significant uncertainties in the economy and the employment market caused by the pandemic may lead to an upsurge in...
The Fatal Accidents Act 1976 (Remedial) Order 2020 (“the Order”) came into force on 6 October 2020. The effect of...
To view the recording of this webinar, please click here. Slipping and tripping accidents can happen anywhere. In practice, they largely occur...
Damian Powell acts for the first Defendant in a successful application for an order that the Claimant's solicitors pay the Defendant's...